OEM Products
Electricals & Electronics Insulation Parts


Polycarbonate: mostly used in Medium Voltage Switchgear Circuit Breakers (11kv to 52kv) as a insulating parts - Shroud cover, Phase Barrier, Partition - 2mm to 12mm thk.

In Low Voltage SWG Unit: Panel Cover, Front Small View panel - PC Transparent - 1.5mm to 2mm - Non UV

Key Features: High Impact Strength, Ease of Fabrication, Bending, High Thermal Electrical insulation & Op.Temp. -20 to 145 deg C & Dielectric Strength , Arc

Test Reports / Credentials: Third Party NABL Test Reports / Certificates for UL94 Standards.require for Key Physical, Mechanical, Thermal & Electrical properties.

Glass Epoxy Fiber Components: For higher electrical insulation option of glass epoxy fiber and glass epoxy laminate sheets, rods and articles made out of it available upon specific inquiry or request.

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